APR の Implementation、Netlist(又は RTL)から GDS までの設計フロー、先端テクノロジー向けの Advanced APR 開発を担当します。
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メモリ IP 開発マネージャー及びデザイナーを募集しています。先端テクノロジーに用いられる SRAM コンパイラー、カスタムメモリ、新規メモリの IP 開発に携わります。
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Layout Engineer/Manager
Develop Memory IP/Analog IP/Standard Cell.
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Standard Cell Design Engineer/Tech. Manager
Standard cell circuit/layout design/optimization and timing analysis for high speed, low power and low voltage.
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Standard Cell Characterization Engineer/ Tech. Manager
Standard cell characterization for timing/power/noise/variation and automation flow development.
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APR Engineer/Manager (Test Chip)
Physical implementation of advanced technology chips.
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Synthesis Engineer
RTL synthesis, SDC/UPF verification, low power design implementation for advanced technology chips.
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