Your Questions & Suggestions

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Irregular Business Conduct Reporting

Integrity is the most important core value of TSMC's culture, and also a top priority of TSMC business principles. TSMC is committed to act ethically in all aspects of our business, and will not condone any form of corruption and fraud. If you find or suspect any unethical conduct or breach of TSMC's ethical standards by a TSMC employee or anyone representing TSMC, please contact us. Your report will be directly forwarded to senior management of TSMC.

Unless otherwise provided by laws, TSMC will maintain the confidentiality of your personal information and protect your identity to the fullest extent permitted by law.

  1. TSMC may use your personal information, including name, telephone number and email address, to facilitate investigation or to contact you. If necessary, TSMC may share your personal information with its subsidiaries.
  2. You may not act maliciously or knowingly and willfully make a false statement. You shall assume liability for the allegations that prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false.
  3. To promptly act to investigate and/or resolve the issue, please provide as much detailed information and documents as possible. Please note that if the information or documents are insufficient, the investigation may be hampered.
  4. You may not disclose any or part of information provided by TSMC. Unless otherwise required by law, you may not file a lawsuit using the correspondence between you and TSMC.

All information submitted in this report will be delivered to TSMC management only. Please do not use this system for emergency reporting that requires immediate attentions and verbal communication. In case of an emergency, please contact TSMC representives.

Please provide information as follows:(*:Required fields)

2. Please provide your name and contact information:
Please note your information will be remain anonymous during the entire reporting/investigating process.
Re-order First Name Last Name Title Operations Weight Operations
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5. Is management level aware of this behavior?
Example: Tuesday, Feb 22, 2011 ; Approximately a month ago
8. How long do you think this problem has persisted?
Please provide as much details as possible
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25 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, txt, zip, tar, gz, rar, gif, png, jpg, jpef, pdf, csv.
By submitting your personal data, you consent to TSMC's storage and processing of the data for the purpose of providing you services. For more information, please see our Privacy & Cookie Policy.

If you have any questions or suggestions about TSMC, please click here and send them to us.

  • TSMC Fabs

  • TSMC North America

    2851 Junction Avenue, San Jose, CA 95134, U.S.A
    TEL: 1-408-3828000
    FAX: 1-408-3828008

    TSMC Europe B.V.

    World Trade Center, Zuidplein 60, 1077 XV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    TEL: 31-20-3059900

    TSMC Japan Limited

    21F, Queen's Tower C, 2-3-5, Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 220-6221, Japan
    TEL: 81-45-6820670

    TSMC China Company Limited

    4000, Wen Xiang Road, Songjiang, Shanghai, China
    Postcode: 201616
    TEL: 86-21-57768000

    TSMC Nanjing Company Limited

    16, Zifeng Road, Pukou Economic Development Zone, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China
    Postcode: 211806
    TEL: 86-25-57668000

    TSMC Korea Limited

    Rm 2104-2105 west, Hanshin Inter Valley 24 Building, 322, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06211, Korea
    TEL: 82-2-20511688

    TSMC Design Technology Canada Inc.

    1000 Innovation Drive, Suite 400, Kanata, ON K2K 3E7, Canada
    TEL: 613-576-1990

    TSMC Design Technology Japan, Inc.

    10F, Minatomirai Grand Central Tower, 4-6-2, Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 220-0012, Japan
    TEL: 81-45-6644500

    TSMC Technology, Inc.

    2851 Junction Avenue, San Jose, CA 95134, U.S.A.
    TEL: 1-408-3828000

    TSMC Japan 3DIC R&D Center, Inc.

    2F, 7D Bldg., West, 16-1 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8569, Japan
    TEL: 81-29-893-2968

    TSMC Washington, LLC

    5509 N.W. Parker Street, Camas, WA 98607-9299, U.S.A.
    TEL: 1-360-8173000
    FAX: 1-360-8173009

    VisEra Technologies Company Limited

    12, Duxing Rd. 1, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300-096, Taiwan, R.O.C.
    TEL: 886-3-666-8788
    FAX: 886-3-666-2858

    TSMC Arizona Corporation

    5088 W. Innovation Circle, Phoenix, AZ 85083, U.S.A.
    TEL: 1-602-567-1688

    Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing, Inc.

    4106-1 Haramizu, Kikuyo-machi, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto 869-1102, Japan
    TEL: 81-96-340-5888

    European Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (ESMC) GmbH

    Rosenstrasse 32, 01067 Dresden, Germany
  • Business Contacts

  • Investor Relations Contact

    Public Relations Contact

    TEL: 886-3-5636688 Ext.7125657

    ESG Contact

  • Equipment / Spare parts

    Michael Yu
    Deputy Director, Production Equipment Procurement Division

    Raw material / Facility

    Handy Ko
    Director, Material Supply Chain Management Division

    IT & General affairs

    Eric Lee
    Deputy Director, MM General Affairs Division

    Approaching TSMC

  • Career Contact

    TEL: 886-3-5636688
  • Business Conduct